"We in the Lynn Rat Syndicate have had our differences with Mrs. Puleo in the past but we would like to thank her on going activism about the conditions at the Ingalls farm. As frequent diners at the farm we appreciate that there will now be more testing of lead in the produce grown there because Mrs. Puleo's constant complaining. We rats want to stay healthy too. Also, the $1000 is less money that the city can spend on rat eradication programs (or as we call it "rat genocide").
In their statement they also agreed with Mrs. Puleo's dislike of beats. They expressed a hope that the space used for beats might better be used for dumping the mystery meat served at the Ingalls cafeteria. "We have been hoping to get our hands on that delicious pink slime for years!" exclaimed the LRS spokesrat at the press conference.
The spokesperson for Ward 2 City Councilor Billy Trahant (who represents the neighborhood were the farm is located) said that Billy was glad that Puleo and the rats now seem to be getting along. "This will go a long way toward creating peace in the neighborhood. Now if we can only get the gang members from eating all the fresh produce in the middle of the night."